Who would have guessed the little poem could end like it does?
Does that give any clue who or what initiated it, or if such a suggestion even applies?
Thy touch is warm, a gentle breeze
Thy breath does color evening's sky
Thou art a sheer delight
Thy whisper is a tempting tease
Although thee can't be seen
Thou warmest me this very night
Please don't depart
But stay a while
Thy leaving always breaks my heart
Apart from that, thou art a scorch
When blowing hard, an evil torch
My harvest going down the drain
A full year's labor is in vain
And then that dust, the dreaded, choking "ahh"
Oh devil's desert wind, Calima*
+angry tomato-farmer+
*pronounced as "kaleema", "a" as in "ma"
What is pleasant from one perspective,can be devastating from another.
Pleasant and devastating being the interpretations,
they don't change the hot wind from
the desert, nor its effects, one single bit...
So how to read things like:
"life is perfect"
"sentient life is suffering"
"there are no others"
"there is only Love"
"life without love is worthless"
"nothing is happening"
* Just as interpretations *
Especially when they resonate
they could add to
"how beautifully pictured.. So I was right after all" ...
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is
- an interpretation of "the worst kind" -
which itself is

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